Friendly, helpful service and advice to help farmers and small business operators take control of their finances. Ray Pynor has years of experience to call on when preparing your tax return and to help keep your finances on track. Trust is invaluable in business and we have an outstanding reputation in dealing with clients in Hay and the surrounding district. We are easy to find with ground floor access and, of course, are as close as your phone call or email enquiry.
With governments changing taxation rules and regulations on a regular basis, having someone who knows the tax laws is a real benefit for anyone involved in business.
Knowing how to keep track of your income and expenditure, makes your accountant's task so much easier. Let Pynor's show you how to keep accurate and easy-to-follow records.
Tax returns have moved into the digital age. By allowing an experienced tax accountant in Raymond Pynor handle your business affairs, your peace of mind is assured.
It's serious
We don't for a moment regard your finances and tax returns as anything but a serious matter. However, we pride ourselves on being relaxed, friendly and professional when dealing with all of our clients. Give us a call to discuss your financial situation and let us explain the many ways in which we can help you.
We live and work in Hay
One of the many fine qualities about Raymond Pynor is that he and his staff live in Hay and know the area and their clients. As your accountant, we know exactly what is happening in the local area. Drop in and say hello.
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